전남 고흥의 엔자임팜 농업법인의 곡물을 기반으로 한 건강한 ‘당’ 제품과 유기농잼 브랜드이다. 딸의 건강을 위하여 농사와 제품개발을 시작한 한 아빠의 브랜드 스토리텔링을 고스란히 네이밍과 디자인에 담아냈다.
아토피에 걸린 딸을 위해 도시의 삶을 정리하고 내려온 고흥. 아빠는 딸이 마음껏 맛있게 먹을 수 있도록 무설탕 곡물당과 잼을 개발하였다. 아빠랑 딸이 함께 하는 것을 함축적으로 담은 네이밍 “아빠랑”부터, 딸이 직접 쓴 글씨로 만든 로고까지. 맛있는 것을 먹고픈 딸의 마음을 헤아렸던 아빠의 마음처럼 “아빠랑” 브랜드를 딸의 관점에서 그려 내었다.Branding for a grain-based organic jam and healthy ‘sugar’ product agricultural company, Enzyme Farm, in Goheung of Jeollanam-do province. A father started an organic business from farming and product development for his daughter. The brand naming and design talk about the story.
For a daughter suffering from an atopic disease, the father decided to leave the city to move to the country, Goheung. The father developed sugar-free jam and grain sugar product so that his daughter could enjoy as much as she liked. The brand naming “Father’s Hill,” a homophone of “with father” in Korean language, let us picture a father so much loving his daughter. The logo design was made from the daughter’s own handwriting. Like the father who was deeply concerned about how much his daughter wanted to eat delicious things, the branding first started from the daughter’s perspective on her father.