5th DMZ Documentary Film Festival
DMZ 다큐멘터리 영화제 5회 브랜딩
5th DMZ Docs Film Festival Branding
  • - Art Direction
  • - Graphic
  • - Event Space Design
DMZ 다큐멘터리 영화제 4회에 이어 5회의 전체 아트디렉션과 디자인 및 홍보용 설치 디자인을 액션서울이 진행하였다. 일산호수공원을 중심으로 진행된 DMZ Docs 5회에서는 Pink & Emerald 의 메인 색상을 중심으로 영화제에 활력을 불어넣었다. Following the 4th Festival, action seoul took in charge of the overall art direction including design and promotional installation for 5th DMZ Documentary Film Festival. The main festival site was the Ilsan Lake Park and action seoul gave a boost to the festival by applying the main color of Pink and Emerald.
















5th DMZ Documentary Film Festival
Client : Gyeonggi Content Agency

Creative Direction & Design : Jangsub Lee​​​​​​​
Design : Minah Hong
Installation : Sun Design